1930 United States Federal Census
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1930 United States Federal Census
125,150,767 գրառումները
Each record in the 1930 Census includes person's name, gender, year of birth, age, place of birth, occupation, education, marital status, race, full address, residence information (owned, rented, farm etc.), military service information, and citizenship information (language spoken, immigration data, etc.). Household members are listed with the person as well.<br><br>The 1930 Census determined the population of the United States to be 122,775,046. This is an increase of almost 16 percent over the 1920 Census, which reported a population of 106,021,537. This was the 15th decennial census conducted in the United States under authority granted by Article I, Section 2 of the United States Constitution. It was conducted in April 1930, except in Alaska, where it was conducted in late 1929. Until 2012 the 1930 Census is the latest available to the public, due to 72-year privacy laws. It is based on actual counts of persons living in residential structures.
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